CROSS AND COMFORT 525 As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams Ps. 42 C. M. Spohr Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady, 1696, cento Louis Spohr, 1835, arr. we thou soul in a pine; chase, shalt doth the God still; thirst heat whom and y ed dore, sing the my less, ther, Son, why God, hart 2 As 1 For Why 3 To 4 rest pants Thee, Fa streams God, soul? Ghost, ly my ing ing My Hope The When for cool Ho down, liv the cast and A fresh ty ter ev grace. vine? Spring. more. ing Di nal er Be The Oh, So men. O be as soul, I Him who is was, hold it God, longs when praise glo my shall of ry Thy Maj health’s shall And Thou Thy And re es e be is Thee face, God, now, for Thy thy